* Values in millimeters
The dimensions and values present in the data sheets should be checked and updated with the commercial department of Cerâmica Vale da Gândara before formalizing your order.
Advantages of Klinker Brick
The Klinker Brick is manufactured with special clays which close ther porosity and increase their density when cooked at a high temperature. The result is a material with less than 6% water absorption rate, a density superior to 2000kg/m³ and a load resistance (mechanical strength) to compression superior to 45N/mm².
Under immense heat the clays undergo a sintering process, developing extremely strong ceramic bonds. Those bonds are very stable. As a result, the bricks withstand extremely aggressive climates and they are inert to almost all the chemical attacks. Because of this, it is an extremely durable construction material
Aesthetic factors
Ceramic bricks possess natural, pleasant and attractive colours. The colour comes from the complex physiochemical reactions that happen during the fireing process. The colour of the brick is permanent and it doesn’t degrade over time. The natural colours of the bricks are extremely flexible, can create diverse ambiences, but are always long-lasting and comfortable.
Thermal and acoustic insulation
Thermal insulation: The brick usually exhibits a better thermal behaviour than other construction materials. The thermal inertia of brick walls helps to maintain a constant temperature inside the house. The brick absorbs heat and it slowly releases it, consequently maintaining the house fresh during the day and hotter during the night. Acoustic insulation: The brick walls supply a good resonant insulation due to its thick structure. The thickness and density of the brick lessen the noise transmission and reflect the noise of the involving atmosphere.
Fire Resistance
Ceramic material is fire-proof, considering that a brick wall achieves the best results when resisting the fire.
Load resistance/Mechanical Strength
Bricks' high resistance to loads was used to build structures, from buildings to bridges and viaducts for millenniums. A brick wall is a constructive element that offers the building an additional safety.
Maintenance costs
Bricks don't need maintenance. The initial slightly higher cost is quickly recovered because there are no repair costs. The appearance of the wall remains over the course of time, becoming ennobling. It is a safe investment with guaranteed return.